
Lip Balms Away!

11:17:00 AM

Some of you might be wondering what are differences between, lip balms, lip butters, and lip conditioners.  I was asking that very same question myself for a while now and so I did a little bit of research.

The word "Balm" by definition is a soothing, healing, and comforting agent.  A Lip Balm is a medicated wax-like substance applied to the lips in order to relieve dry or chapped lips.

Lip Butters are similar to lip balms in terms of packaging but is made with softer consistency. It is not medicated.  Ingredients wise, lip butters have much more butter or oil ratio which makes it even more moisturizing and long lasting. However, it feels a bit heavier than regular lip balms do.

A Lip Conditioner or Lip gloss has more oil content and thus give that high shine.  Usually lip glosses don't stay long on lips as compared to lip balms because of more oil in them. However, you can get the benefits of a lip balm and a lip butter together with a hint of color and shine in a gloss.

from left to right
Mac Suntints Lip Balm in Pink Tinge
Maybelline Lipsmooth Color Bloom in Pink Blossom
Alba Botanica Coconut Cream Lip Balm
Alba Un-Petroleum Lip Care with SPF 15 in Tangerine
Human Nature 100% Natural Lip Balm in Peppermint
Maybelline Baby Lips with SPF 20 in Peppermint
EOS Lip Balm in Sweet Mint

Mac Suntints Lip Blam in Pink Tinge
- This really does a great job of moisturizing my lips.
- It feels more like a lip gloss rather than a lip balm
- has decent staying power if worn alone but can be a bit sticky
- love the slight hint of vanilla scent to it
Maybelline Lipsmooth Color Bloom in Pink Blossom
 - does a good job of moisturizing my lips
- leave a little bit of shine
- the tint stays long and turns to deeper pink the longer is stays
- has a floral scent but disappears after a few minutes

Alba Botanica Coconut Cream Lip Balm
Alba Un-Petroleum Lip Care with SPF 15 in Tangerine
Human Nature 100% Natural Lip Balm in Peppermint
Maybelline Baby Lips with SPF 20 in Peppermint

I prefer to use lip balms that are made with natural ingredients.  Alba and Human Nature Brands are few of the lip balms that uses pure natural plant oils aside from cocoa butter and beeswax.

A lot of women use lip balms without realizing they contain petroleum, mineral oil, paraffin, synthetic chemicals derived from crude oil – the same one used to make gasoline for your car!

EOS Lip Balm in Sweet Mint
 - I really like the packaging of this lip balm, it's just adorable.
- since I love mint flavored balms, sweet mint was my first choice
- smells like mint chocolate
- very moisturizing but not waxy
- huge, it will take me a while to finish this

I've already tried a lot of lip balms from different brands, like Nivea, Chapstick, and Burt's Bees.  But I don't stick to one brand since I want to try how other brands feels like.  I have yet to try Carmex, Blistex, and Lip Ice, so they are next on my list. ^_^

Until next time.


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  1. thanks for pointing out the differences among them:) love the EOS one!
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  3. i really love the eos balms. theyre my favourite!

  4. thank you for enlightening us with the difference among the three!!! :) I have that Maybelline Lipsmooth Color Bloom in Pink Blossom!!! DOES WONDER to my lips <3

  5. I don't stick to one brand as well. I wanna try different brands... or maybe I just haven't found my HG yet. Anyway, still gonna try experimenting! I have yet to try the EOS! :p

  6. So nice of your article ,, I also want to suggest about the Lip Blam,,

    Choosing the Chinese Lip Balm Lip Balm it will provid you best effects on your lips without side effects,also provide you best quality resutl on your lisp
    Chinese Lip Balm

  7. where did u bought the eos?and how much?thanks!

    1. @Wendy Rose I bought it online for 250 pesos.

  8. lip ice is on my list na rin, i read reviews on it and i want the tinted one very badly :D btw i didnt know the blue EOS was mint chocolate, i thought it was just mint, so tempting nanaman to buy another flavor again haha!

    1. that's not blue. the Color of the packaging is Mint. it is Sweet Mint but the smell reminds me of most Mint chocolates. hehe


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