
Tokens from MAC Cosmetics Philippines

8:41:00 AM

I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the people from MAC especially their beautiful Marketing Executive Ms. Kirsten Brito. I couldn't be happier to have met her and a few people working behind MAC Cosmetics Philippines. Just really wanted to say THANK YOU ^_^ from the bottom of my heart for acknowledging my humble beauty blog.

MAC Powder Blush in Pink Tea
MAC Plushglass in Bountiful
MAC Lipstick in House Wine (Lustre)
MAC Technakohl Liner Eye-liner Kajal in Auto-De-Blu

Thank you for my early presents!

Until next time.


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  1. wow!!! it's so nice ÜÜÜ

  2. really sweet..

  3. Congrats Hollie! The blush looks like a wonderful shade of pink :)

    -Monica @ Lemonpetit

  4. How lovely. Wish I met people from MAC. I like that lip glass color. Really hope you do a makeup post with it.
    Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Clothes for Less

  5. Lucky girl!! <3

    Looking forward to your posts about these products. ;)
    Happy New Year!

  6. I’m really jealous right now, I‘d love to receive these products as presents also XD

    ~Pauline @Kallony


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